Factual Report Text

Good morning, Class.. 
How are you doing? Hope you all are in a good condition.. 

Today we're going to learn about Factual Report Text. Silakan kalian jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:

  1. What is factual report text?
  2. What is the function of factual report text? 
  3. What are the generic structure of factual report text? 
  4. What are the language features of factual report text? 
  5. What is the difference between factual report and descriptive text? 
Tulis jawaban di buku kalian. Fotokan lalu kirim k ibu via WhatsApp. 

Good luck.. 
Have a nice weekend.. 


  1. Assalamualaikum,
    Ayang Oktapiani
    XI OTKP 5

  2. Riska Amanda Lestari
    XI Otkp5

  3. Mella destiana mulyani otkp7 hadir


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