Procedure Text

Good morning students,
In this session I would like to explain about procedure text.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan procedure text?
Okay guys let’s check it out.

Procedure text is a text that tells the readers how to do or make something. The information is presented in logical sequences of event.
Procedure text berisi tentang cara melakukan sesuatu atau membuat sesuatu.

There are three types of procedure text:
  1. Text that explains how something works or how to use instruction or operation manual, for example: how to use a video game, a computer, etc.
  2. Text that instructs how to do a particular activity, for example: games, science experiment, etc.
  3. Text that explains how to make something, for example: recipe.
Untuk membuat sebuah procedure text, kita harus mengikuti struktur teks (generic structure) procedure text ; yaitu:
  1. Title or goals or purpose; It is the goal or outcome of the activity, for example: How to make Bakso, How to operate computer, etc.
  2. Ingredients or materials; It is the list and amount of things and materials required.
  3. Steps or methods; It is the step-by-step description of how to complete the task.
  4. Tips; It is the final comment.
Adapun unsur kebahasaan (language features) yang biasa digunakan dalam procedure text adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Using noun phrases; for example: 2 teaspoons brown palm sugar
  • Using imperative sentence; for example: Cut the orange into halves.
  • Using adverbs; for example: You should press the button gently
  • Using action verbs; for example: cut, put, wash, press, etc.
  • Using temporal conjunctions; for example: first, then, after that, finally, etc.
Untuk mengenali procedure text sangatlah mudah. You can read the title, if the title is started with ‘how to make…’ or ‘how to use…’ it can be certainly that the text is procedure text.

Example of Procedure text

How to Make Meatballs
  • 1 kilo of very fine minced meat.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 300 grams of tapioca-flour.
  • 4-8 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 red onion.
  • 1 teaspoon of white pepper.
  • 2 teaspoons of salt.
The steps:
  1. First of all, mix garlic, red onion, salt, and white pepper in a mortar or mixer.
  2. Second, mix the spice-mixture with the eggs, the tapioca-flour and the minced meat.
  3. After that, use your fingers, add a cup of water, and keep on working until the mixture feels soft and smooth.
  4. Then, boil some water in a rather large pot, at least about 2 liters.
  5. Next step, start rolling the mixture into small meatballs.
  6. Finally, lower the meatballs into the boiling water. When they float up to the surface, the meatballs are ready to serve.
Itulah penjelasan tentang procedure text. Jika ada pertanyaan silakan tuliskan di kolom komentar.


  1. Sindi Aulia XI OTKP 4

  2. Rika Oktavia Silitonga
    XI OTKP 1

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Larisma Sulistiawati
    XI OTKP 6
    Hadirr bu

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Eneng siti rohayati r XI otkp 4 hadir

  7. Eneng meisya rusliawati XI otkp 2 hdir bu

  8. Nurul Annisa XI otkp 5 hadir bu

  9. Frisda Damayanti Septiani
    XI Otkp 3

  10. Nur Isma Anisya XI Otkp 7 hadir

  11. Dont forget to write it on your note book guys. .....

  12. Pitri nuraeni XI otkp 6 hadir bu

  13. Qannia Friza Yasmita(XI OTKP 3)

  14. Ulfah Azzahra xi otkp 4 HADIROOOOHHHH

  15. Fawadz Abdul Azis XI OTKP 5 (PRESENT)

    KELAS :OTKP -3 (XI)

  17. Rifky DwiPutra Fernanda
    XI otkp 1 hadirr

  18. Sintia Ningrum Mandasari
    XI OTKP 3

  19. Assalamualaikum,
    Ayang Oktapiani
    Kelas XI OTKP 5

  20. Assalamualaikum Ma'mun nawawi XI otkp 2 hadit

  21. Muhammad Ardiansyah
    XI OTKP 3

  22. Muhamad ibnu septian XI otkp 2

  23. fitri andini shabrillah bugis Xl otkp 6

  24. Tia febriani safitri XI OTKP 1 Hadir

  25. Gladys marshanda XI otkp1 hadir

  26. Guys untuk mengirimkan hasil ctatan kalian mohon d lampirkan d email aja ya. Jangan via wa. .. So learn it. Blajar ya sekalian bagaimana vara melampirkan dokumen.... You can do it.

    Have a nice day

  27. Moch Reza Aditya XI Otkp4 present

  28. Rika rahmawati dewi XI otkp 1

  29. Dita Maziyatul Aulia, XI OTKP 6. Hadir bu

  30. Siti Nopiyanti XI OTKP 6 Hadir bu

  31. Muhammad Rifky Hidayat XI otkp 5

  32. Sabda rahmatullah XI otkp 3 hadir

  33. ayooo yang belum absen dan belajar materi ini,,,sebelu waktunya habis

  34. Pinkan Nourisna Erlian Dini
    11 otkp 8

  35. Okay guys. ..Thank u for your participation..please learn it and see you next week.
    Have a nice saturday night

    Good night....

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.


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