Good morning students, In this session I would like to explain about procedure text. Apa yang dimaksud dengan procedure text? Okay guys let’s check it out. Procedure text is a text that tells the readers how to do or make something. The information is presented in logical sequences of event. Procedure text berisi tentang cara melakukan sesuatu atau membuat sesuatu. There are three types of procedure text: Text that explains how something works or how to use instruction or operation manual, for example: how to use a video game, a computer, etc. Text that instructs how to do a particular activity, for example: games, science experiment, etc. Text that explains how to make something, for example: recipe. Untuk membuat sebuah procedure text, kita harus mengikuti struktur teks (generic structure) procedure text ; yaitu: Title or goals or purpose; It is the goal or outcome of the activity, for example: How to make Bakso, How to operate co...